Truck Gantry Implementation Multiload on bay 10, 11 & 13

Install new flow computers from Toptech Multiload II, on the loading bays, Jetties and Railcar loading...

Multiload programme 2021-2023
Flörsheim DACH

In Flörsheim the flow computers require renewal as the old MFX 90 are not supported going forward.

Successful implementation on bays 10, 11, 12 and 13
After the implementation on bay 10 was completed in September 21 a lessons learnt session was held with all parties involved to achieve a more predictable implementation program for the new flow computers going forward The lessons learnt was held with all parties involved ( EngCo Toptech GAT) to cover all parts of the implementation.

A plan was established for the loading bays incorporating the main topics

  • Precheck of design against the As built situation (wiring)
  • Predefine all parameters for calibration
  • Preparation of detailed commissioning plan
  • Increased detail on loop checking reports

Benefits / Successful implementation of Bay 10 11 13 Conversion

  • Incident free installation
  • Daily alignment with parties on site
  • Bays delivered on time as per the scheduled outage of the loadingbays
  • Successful wiring implementation
  • Setting standard for next change over

Statement of Fitness SOF) signed off on time and bay returned to service as planned for all bays

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